Tag: cPanel
modsec.sh updated
I’ve updated the modsec.sh script to include some new rules from gotroot.com. Check out its new permanent page at https://www.skyhorse.org/web-server-administration/auto-update-modsecurity-rules-modsecsh/
The Definite Guide of Obscure Tweaks to Install and Maintain cPanel / WHM (version 10)
I have recently gone more deeply into the bare bones of WHM and cPanel 10 to improve security, reduce bandwidth and cpu usage and generaly make sure servers are as good as they can possibly be. So, in the process, I had to go deep into tons of scripts, code, discussions, forums and google to…
DirectAdmin to cPanel : a partial BASH solution
I’m one of those who spent hours moving from DirectAdmin to cPanel, and in the meantime I’ve developed a couple of usefull tools to help me do it. For the sanity of everyone ever trying to achieve this, forget googling because there is no tool available ATM. No one has ever started a script simply…
Server-side redirection (a.k.a. tunneling) with PHP
Some web applications, like my own cPanel and Web Mail, use non-standard tcp ports. Usually this is because they are part of a software package that runs alongside Apache but does not use it to serve the pages. Problem is many corporate and university firewalls do not allow access to ports such as 2095 and…