Tag: Computing

  • xMax sparks low power wireless revolution

    I’m still in awe after reading the latest news about xMax, the technology that I predict will be even more famous than Wi-Fi is today. Technical aspects aside, the consequences of this little innovation goes way beyond the mere wireless transmission of data. The possibilities are really endless. I can easily imagine loads of xMax…

  • Patent the patent

    Funny comments on slashdot about stupid patent applications: Patenting Patents (Score:4, Funny) by bldp (912036) on Friday October 21, @03:27PM (#13846889) Somebody should patent the patent process. Quite possibly the only way to screw it up more. * Re:Patenting Patents (Score:4, Funny) by psst (777711) on Friday October 21, @03:33PM (#13846960) I have seen this…

  • Microsoft frowned at for smiley patent

    Is this the sign of the end of the world as we know it? ;) (oh please don’t sue me!!!) Microsoft frowned at for smiley patent – ZDNet UK News