Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • My new web place

    Hello and welcome to my web site. This is a quiet place dedicated to expose some of my work, ideas and interests. Feel free to participate.

  • Crontab script

    Crontab is a software for *nix systems that enables users to run a certain application at specified times. A problem, at least for me, arises when I want to run an application only if it isn’t already running. For that, I wrote this simple bash script. It’s not perfect but I didn’t find anything serving…

  • EditPlus syntax coloring definition file for editing Nemisys Assembly Language.

    Download and put it in EditPlus instalation directory. Open EditPlus and do Document – Permanent Settings. There, choose Files – Settings and Syntax. Under File types, do Add, choose the description you want (ex. Assembly) and ASM as the File extensions. All you have to do now is enter the syntax file asm.stx path under…

  • The future of E-mail

    As time goes by, more and more spammers seem to find our e-mail address. We change it and, surprise surprise, they find it again. Although there are several dozens of anti-spam products, filters and firewalls, the regular person does not know how to get them, use them, much less configure them. And the ones that…

  • ID tags

    Recent discoveries and techonogies are pointing in the direction of mass use of micro ID tags.The RFID tags (Radion Frequency ID) could be as small as a grain of rice and placed just about anywhere. The prediction: I forsee a future where all our consumables (cd’s, books, computers, magazines, tabacco, deodorants, toothpaste, etc…) will have…

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