Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Parse-y Political Broadcast

    I couldn’t stop laughing at this one… but they do struck a chord at one important issue: on what reasons do you vote for a particular party? (and for those NationStates afficionados, “none of the above” is *not* a valid answer) For that geek web designer inside you, here’s an idea: vote for the party…

  • The Web is dead

    It wasn’t enough for the WWW to have to take up with Macromedia’s Flash and Adobe’s PDF Reader loading times, we will probably see more of them if Adobe goes ahead with the promise of increasing “complementary functionality of PDF and Flash” by acquiring Macromedia… About Adobe – Adobe to acquire Macromedia Lets pray for…

  • Reminiscence from Bologna (English really lacks the word…)

    Wanting to go away for the time being led me into digging some old photographic reports of a trip to Bologna… I wanted to share this great experience of a couple of nights in Italy’s most beautiful city. Bologna is mystical in every sense of the word, is alive in every corner and transpires inspiration…

  • Watching TV

    PalmTop Art: Watching TV I’m in that kind of mood, where I have too much to do and I just want to put my feet up and watch TV… This picture was drawn on my old Palm PDA… the one that slipped and crashed on the ground… I just want to put my feet up……

  • 80 = 74.5

    Science Box There as been a discussion recently on the ScienceBox forum about why do 80GB actually only have 74.5GB. This is all a conspiracy by the manufacturers to rip us off…

Got any book recommendations?