Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • My first (real) game of Poker

    I have been playing Poker for some time now, after falling in love with the game some years ago when long nights and unseen mornings was the bread and butter of any self-respecting teenager. Bets were pennies (or beans, whichever was easier to get) and the thrill was to beat your peers, and if they…

  • Server-side redirection (a.k.a. tunneling) with PHP

    Some web applications, like my own cPanel and Web Mail, use non-standard tcp ports. Usually this is because they are part of a software package that runs alongside Apache but does not use it to serve the pages. Problem is many corporate and university firewalls do not allow access to ports such as 2095 and…

  • Microsoft frowned at for smiley patent

    Is this the sign of the end of the world as we know it? ;) (oh please don’t sue me!!!) Microsoft frowned at for smiley patent – ZDNet UK News

  • Hi-Tech, Low-Work

    1 Laptop 1 PDA with GSM, GPRS, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi (HTC BlueAngel) 1 GSM Phone with Bluetooth (SonyEricson T610) Wi-Fi internet access Result? I can’t send a *#”$% FAX! There I am, ready to fax my resignation letter to my manager, all neat and stuff, and as I was preparing myself to do “Print ->…

  • Java and Nuclear facilities

    In a time where nuclear crisis seem to bloom, it is no wonder everyone is doing their bit to avoid another major disaster. But if it does, what will everyone be looking for? The software running on the problematic server that crashed when it shouldn’t! Well, if you don’t think so, Sun seems to at…

Got any book recommendations?