Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Mandriva Linux 2006

    The only Linux distribution certified for Intel Centrino has just been released for “Club members” only. Can this beat Ubuntu ? I guess the “rest” of us will have to wait till the 13th of October to find out if the Interactive Firewall or the Quick boot time is just hype.

  • The new XDA Atom

    cNet Asia is reporting on a new HTC PDA (HTC is the OEM manufacturer of famous PDAs sold under different names, such as XDA, MDA or Qtek. See XDA Developers for more info) The smal form-factor of the current XDA Mini fails to achieve the same level of mobile connectivity as its big counterparts like…

  • Microsoft fixes GAIM GNU/Linux MSN Client

    Well, pigs do fly. What does a Microsoft employee have to do to get MSN Messenger working on their Linux desktops? Fix the bugs in GAIM Messenger of course! Thats what Bill Hilf, Microsoft’s Linux Lab Manager, did when he and his team had a ‘real’ need for MSN via HTTP under Linux. And, because…

  • N a b a z t a g >> Nabazta L A N D

    A funny looking rabit that spins around, flashes colours or moves its ears depending on the weather forecast, on a e-mail you get, someone texting you or whatever it is programmed for, as longs as it is accessible by wi-fi. These french people are crazy! Nabaztag – the WiFi rabbit

  • The Million Dollar Homepage – How to make easy money

    There are some ideas I wish I have had before they appeared. From all of them, this is the most amazing one. This guy all of the sudden thought about selling ‘pixels‘ of his homepage. The idea was to break the homepage’s space into 10×10 pixel squares and sell each square to anyone willing to…

Got any book recommendations?