Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • xMax sparks low power wireless revolution

    I’m still in awe after reading the latest news about xMax, the technology that I predict will be even more famous than Wi-Fi is today. Technical aspects aside, the consequences of this little innovation goes way beyond the mere wireless transmission of data. The possibilities are really endless. I can easily imagine loads of xMax…

  • jEdit – Programmers Text Editor

    I have been a fan of EditPlus for some years now, and I have (*shamefully*) tried some other editors from time to time, including jEdit, but I never really found anything even close to the ease of use and speed of EditPlus. That is, until now. jEdit, the free software written in Java, is in…

  • Patent the patent

    Funny comments on slashdot about stupid patent applications: Patenting Patents (Score:4, Funny) by bldp (912036) on Friday October 21, @03:27PM (#13846889) Somebody should patent the patent process. Quite possibly the only way to screw it up more. * Re:Patenting Patents (Score:4, Funny) by psst (777711) on Friday October 21, @03:33PM (#13846960) I have seen this…

  • MSN Messenger talks to Yahoo

    Could Microsoft and Yahoo starting to get a bit scared of Google Chat? Or AOL Messenger? Either way, they decided to “merge” their networks by allowing users to communicate across the two different services. Perhaps the future will be made of several suppliers, such as MSN and ICQ, but with the several different networks all…

  • Ubuntu wins Best Distribution Award

    Ubuntu wins Best Distribution Award at the UK Linux & Open Source Awards on the 5th of October, along with a life-time award for Alan Cox, who was desperately needing one. What do Africa, the ISS and VeriSign have in common? The man behind Ubuntu, who by the way is trying very hard not to…

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