Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Linux: What you should have on your Ubuntu lady

    This is my attempt to put together what I consider the “essentials” if you’re new to Ubuntu and/or don’t have time to scout around for all those things everyone is talking about but you haven’t got the faintest clue (like what the hell is “glxgears” and why is it *not* a benchmark and why you…

  • SouthPark and Futurama episodes download in avi dvd-rip

    For all South Park and / or Futurama fans (like me) there is a Russian server hosting most of the episodes with fantastic dvd quality. Grab them while you can!!! (I suspect it will go down fairly soon!) South Park and Futurama episodes in avi with dvd quality download links Tip: copy and paste this…

  • Only in London…

    We all hear about sugar daddys. And mommies for that matter. But if you were looking for a flat and fancied some kinky sex, or even better if you were looking for some kinky sex and fancied a flat, here’s the deal for you. This is a true posting, on the gumtree website. If the…

  • Three Dimensional Images in the Air

    “By creating plasma in open air with lasers, Japanese scientists are working on a true 3D display. The Japanese National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) announced an exciting breakthrough in optoelectronics — a working three dimensional display. The display does not rely on any sort of optical illusion or disorientation. Instead, infrared…

  • Google’s success story: PigeonRankâ„¢

    The technology behind Google’s great results. I suspected they were a tad nuts but this came as confirmation of how google does what it does best. Great read!

Got any book recommendations?