Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Meebo lunches Meebo Me!

    Meebo, an ultra-cool AJAX powered web-based IM system has lunched their latest product: Meebo Me! Meebo me allows you to place a flash widget on your website that directly connects your visitors to you for an instant on-line chat! The best is the ease of use… I set mine up in less than 3 minutes!…

  • Satire: Microsoft Patents Ones, Zeroes

    REDMOND, WA—In what CEO Bill Gates called “an unfortunate but necessary step to protect our intellectual property from theft and exploitation by competitors,” the Microsoft Corporation patented the numbers one and zero Monday. At a press conference beamed live to Microsoft shareholders around the globe, Bill Gates announces the company’s patenting of the binary system.…

  • My space @ MySpace

    Seems the MySpace craze as come to Europe. After the success of Hi5, Orkut and Friendster, MySpace is taking over the “social networking” with a good dose of music, ease of use and huge user-base. Enough talk, try it already!

  • Programming (for women): The Datagrid Girl!

    Right, so, I found this site about programming on ASP.NET, written by, ah hum, a woman. And it’s pink. And it has tiny litle cute heart-shaped icons. And a cute litle jumper for a logo dashed with yellow dazies for bullet points. Beats slashdot’s April’s Fools 2006 theme (Pink Unicorns) aaaaany day, especially since it…

  • GNU Radio: hacking the last frontier

    Imagine a combination of hardware and software that could receive and transmit at any frequency. Imagine you could have an FM radio that turns into a GPS receiver that turns into a RFID reader. Or a Radar. Or a Digital TV Receiver. Or a mobile phone. Or a Wi-Fi scanner. All at the click of…

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