Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • wunderLOOP: The start of a new wave of online advertising

    Panama, Yahoo’s new advertising platform, and its super abilities, is not the only online advertising technology that is going to be making waves in 2007. wunderLOOP, a Luxembourg-based behavioral advertising and content targeting company, is about to announce a big round of funding that would allow the company to expand and take on its bigger…

  • Simple remedy for a big problem: how to disable the RFID on your passport

    Sooner or later if you live in a country with the visa-waiver program with the US (i.e. most EU countries and a few more) your passport will be issued with a always-on radio frequency identification chips, making it easy for officials – and hackers – to grab your personal stats. Getting paranoid about strangers slurping…

  • Million monkeys

    Thought of the decade: If you put a million monkeys at a million typewriters, eventually you will get the works of William Shakespeare. When you put together a million humans, a million camcorders, and a million computers, what you get is YouTube.

  • Zemble.com – Yet Another Web 2.0 Startup

    Zemble.com is the social networking website that helps you interact with your friends through the power of text messaging. Group Text Messages You can text message large groups of friends from your phone by sending just one text message, and it goes out to the whole group. Reply-All Text Messaging We have developed a super…

  • Priceless

    One gold-plated six-iron: €10.000 One shuttle flight into orbit: €500 million One International Space Station: €100 billion Playing golf with planet earth in the background, while doing the longest golf drive: Priceless.

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