Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Ubuntu: the true meaning

    Ubuntu is an ancient African word meaning ‘I can’t configure Debian’…

  • Advance in AI may bring ‘bluffer’ type bots to online poker

    new poker AI bot in the making… from http://www.newscientisttech.com/channel/tech/mg19426066.600-software-learns-when-it-pays-to-deceive.html Hurwitz and Tshilidzi Marwala, also at Witwatersrand, have developed a virtual player that has taught itself to bluff at a card game called lerpa. Their artificial intelligence bot, named Aiden, is based on a neural network algorithm that usually forecasts stock market fluctuations. Crucially, Aiden was…

  • Legalise Poker!

    Sign the petition to ask No. 10 to allow Poker to be played in a regulated and safe environment in private members club, such as our favourite Gutshot Club in London. http://petitions.pm.gov.uk/Poker-UK/ Your vote counts!

  • Apple Juice

    You know when you’re tired and need a ciggie break when you decide the apple juice bottle you’re holding is asking for a good shake, only to realise you actually already opened it. My desk is now apple-juiced (and I’m not referring to my Mac). Fortunately this proved to be good entertainment for the people…

  • The Next Web Awards

    The worldwide award for future accomplishments! The public awards for upcoming disruptive services, that will change the web. The ‘webby’ awards, v2.0

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