Category: Instant Messaging

  • – Yet Another Web 2.0 Startup is the social networking website that helps you interact with your friends through the power of text messaging. Group Text Messages You can text message large groups of friends from your phone by sending just one text message, and it goes out to the whole group. Reply-All Text Messaging We have developed a super…

  • Meebo lunches Meebo Me!

    Meebo, an ultra-cool AJAX powered web-based IM system has lunched their latest product: Meebo Me! Meebo me allows you to place a flash widget on your website that directly connects your visitors to you for an instant on-line chat! The best is the ease of use… I set mine up in less than 3 minutes!…

  • MSN Messenger talks to Yahoo

    Could Microsoft and Yahoo starting to get a bit scared of Google Chat? Or AOL Messenger? Either way, they decided to “merge” their networks by allowing users to communicate across the two different services. Perhaps the future will be made of several suppliers, such as MSN and ICQ, but with the several different networks all…